Friday 9 September 2011

Exciting Times

After several weeks of stress and worry  Aurora of Aspen Mountain Press has been bought by a new company called Musa. All authors were offered their rights  which was a great thing  for Musa to do. We then had the choice of re-submitting or going elsewhere.
I have chosen to put Miss Peterson & The Colonel, A Cornish Maid, Lady Eleanor's Secret and Miss Bannerman & The Duke with Musa. They should all be reissued in October still called Aurora but with a new banner incorporating the Musa name. This is good as I was worried about readers thinking they were new titles. The covers, which  I love, are also staying the same.
I also have two full length books coming out with www.regencyreads sometime in the next few months. A further two will come out in the New Year.
Thank you all the Austenesque followers who entered my quiz. The winners have been announced by Meredith.
Following  this Jane Austen month has inspired me to think about writing another Jane Austen linked book. I have the outlines and first  three chapters of two already done -all I have to do is decide which one to write. When I've finished writing my YA fantasy -probably next month -I shall be starting this. I shall publish the new Jane Austen linked book on Kindle next spring.


  1. oh Fenella! i am one happy reader! just got a twitter saying i'd won at Austenesque and then as i was commenting my gratitude, i glanced up to see i'd also won your delicious package!!
    THANK YOU ! i am delited ~

  2. Two winners for my books as both of you got full marks. I was so impressed with everyone's knowledge.
    Let me know if you enjoyed my books -there are plenty more on Amazon.
