Friday 23 December 2016

Christmas Greetings.

Another year gone by and six books to show for it. Already have my plans in place for 2017 - two more books in The Duke's Alliance series/ a third in The Nightingale Chronicles/ the first of three in  the Ellen's War series -Blue Skies and Tiger Moths + two 'duke' books and two Christmas stories.
Pre-order now.
Out 10th Janaury 2017

Search for a Duke (published by Robert hale in 2006 entitled A Suitable Husband) is now available on pre-order.

Someone is trying to murder Sarah Haverstock and her young son Edward. His tutor, and veteran of the Peninsular War, Captain Oliver Mayhew is the perfect man to protect them and root out the perpetrators. Oliver accepts the position with the intention of charming his employer into matrimony, the attacks giving him the perfect opportunity to further his aims.
Indeed, as the danger escalates, Sarah comes to rely on him more and more but before they can find the happiness they both seek, they must face the evil that stalks them...

I re-edited this book and was delighted that the story was still one of my favourites. A romance as always, but also a thriller.

Iwould like to thank my editor, RAchel bevan, my cover dsigner J D Smith and my friends for all thier support this year.
However, I wouldn't be in the position Im in wihtout th esuport of my readers. Thank you for buying my books and enjoying them.
Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.

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