Wednesday, 25 January 2017

The Duke's Alliance - An Unconventional Bride

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I'm delighted to tell you that the third book in "The Duke's Alliance" series, An Unconventional Bride, is now available for pre-order. It will be released on 23rd February at the bargain price of £1.99/ $2.99.
I am loving writing this series and intend to add an extra book, the story of the newly arrived cousin, Elizabeth Freemantle, which will make seven books instead of six. This means you will have to wait for Beau's story until 2018. I have to leave the duke until last although I'm eager to write his romance.
The fourth book in the series, Lady Giselle's, will be published in late summer.

 Here is the blurb:

An Unconventional Bride is the third in The Duke's Alliance series. 
Mrs Mary Williams, a colonel's widow, arrives at Silchester Court with Miss Elizabeth Freemantle, who has been brought up as her sister. Beth is the Duke of Silchester's cousin and he is her guardian. 
Lord Aubrey, the duke's youngest brother, finds himself designated to oversee the London debut of both Lady Giselle, his sister, and his lively cousin, Beth, as the duke is called away to his estates in the North.
Although Mary is only four years older than Aubrey she is more worldly and well-travelled. Mary is not thinking of marrying a second time, she values her independence too much, and certainly not to a young gentleman like Lord Aubrey. 
Only when her reputation is lost, and marriage to Aubrey is impossible, does she understand that her feelings have changed.
Is it too late for them to find happiness together? Will the duke allow her to be part of his prestigious family?

Thanks for your continued support -it is valued.
Fenella J Miller

Monday, 2 January 2017

Writing Resolutions

I am not a fan of New Year resolutions but do write a plan for my writing for the year and try and keep to it.
2016 was a good year for my writing. Two and a half books in The Duke's Alliance series, the first book in a three book series about an ATA girl - Ellen's War -  Blue Skies & Tiger Moths  -coming out in March. The final book in the At Pemberley series -A Spy at Pemberley. A Christmas book and  another duke book.
'Search for a Duke' is my first book this year -written as 'A Suitable Husband' in 2006 for Robert Hale. Re-edited and re-covered it is now on pre-order and will be out on 10th January.
This year I intend to write a further six books - the first of which will be the final book in The Nightingale Chronicles. I have a detailed outline for this story but no title as yet.
Then there will be the second book in the Ellen's War series - An ATA Girl.
Next will be another two books for The Duke's Alliance series -this time Giselle and Perry's stories. This will leave one more book -the one I'm looking forward to writing most - the duke's story. Beau has been in all of them and I'm hoping my readers will be as eager as I am to see who he marries.
Then there will be at least one Christmas book - hoping to write two this time.
So - that's one Victorian, one WW2, and 4/5 Regency.
I just watched the episode following four older people around the world. This one was in Japan - made me think about my lifestyle and general health. It has made me determined to lose weight and take more exercise. The Japanese live longer than anyone else and work as long as they want to. I can't join a gym as it would be impossible to go often enough because of looking after my husband.  However, I can take a short brisk walk every day when he's having a sleep.
I've also decided not to stress about things I can't change -Brexit/Trump/husband's illness etc and try and live every day equally. Enjoy the moments of happiness, and there are many, and be glad I am  fortunate to have a loving family, good friends and earn more than enough money to do what I want. I try to pass on my good fortune to as many as I can - I'm not religious but do think how you live your life makes a difference.
 What have you decided to do to improve your life? Even a small change can be important.
Happy new Year
Fenella J Miller